Criminal Damage to Property
Understanding Criminal Damage To Property Cases

Criminal damage to property charges commonly arise out of domestic arguments that escalate under the stress of the situation. They may be charged as misdemeanors or felonies depending upon the value of the property that was allegedly destroyed.
In many cases, destroying your own property can be the cause of your arrest. In Kansas, you can be convicted for damaging property you consider to be exclusively yours, even if anyone else has an interest in the property, such as a spouse. Because the laws surrounding criminal damage to property are complex, it is important to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney to understand your rights.
Put An Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer On Your Side
Damaging property during a domestic dispute with a spouse or significant other may not seem like a criminal act. However, it can have severe consequences including a term of probation, mandatory counseling and jail time.
Johnson County criminal defense attorney Jerry Merrill can minimize the negative consequences these charges carry. Jerry has routinely tried cases in front of judges and juries and has achieved successful outcomes for Johnson County residents and those throughout the Kansas City metro area.
After evaluating your case, Jerry provides insight into your options for beating the charges you face. For some cases, a plea bargain could offer the best result, and Jerry’s reputation in the courtroom strengthens his negotiating position with prosecutors. In others, a trial is the best way to achieve success. In either arena, you will have a skilled lawyer on your side who has your back.
Call Today For An Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer
To select a free consultation with criminal defense attorney Jerry Merrill, email the firm or call 913-381-2085 today.